おかえり、おんがく。 ヤマハで“もっと”配信&音楽を楽しもう

The biggest motivator is having people listening in Himemori Luna
discusses the
joys of live streaming her Electone performances
Himemori Luna is VTuber agency hololive production's sweet, innocent princess. Every now and then her viewers catch a glimpse of her hard work and dedication, which ultimately wins their hearts. She also live streams Electone performance which have proven to be exceedingly popular. We asked Luna for her thoughts on the Electone and how she prepares for her performances.
I'll tell you evewything!
- Q: First of all, why don't you tell us a little about yourself.
I'm Himemori Luna, hololive 4th genewation! I stweam games, and songs, and the Electone! I
takoyaki and Mouko Tanmen* Cup Noodles! I've never done an interview on the Electone before so
I'm a
little nervous... I'll switch to adult-Luna mode for this one, okay?
*Mouko Tanmen is a registered trademark of Makoto Food Service.
- Q: Mouko Tanmen Cup Noodles?! How specific! You must be a fan of foods that pack a punch then?
- You bet! I like meat dishes, but I am the princess of Candy Kingdom so I eat a lot of candy too. I especially like chewy gummies. Sometimes I'll eat them mid-stream lol.
- Q: It's been two years since you debuted in January of 2020. Can you tell us what your favorite memory throughout that time has been?
It would have to be when I unveiled my 3D Electone for my one-year anniversary performance. I was so
happy to be able to put on a show with my Electone on the live stream, and I think the Lu-knights*
enjoyed it too.
*Himemori Luna's fans

October 10, 2021 Electone live stream performance
【姫森ルーナ生誕祭】沢山お祝いしてほしいのら!Luna's Birthday
- Q: That's amazing. And how do you feel about all of your fans, the Lu-knights?
- Hmm... I don't think my streams would be the same without the comments from my Lu-knights and the conversations they spark. Perhaps you could say they are "priceless?" Oh gosh, I'm gushing!
- Q: Compared to when you first debuted, do you feel closer to your viewers now?
- To be honest, I wasn't sure how much I should put myself out there at first or how to connect with everyone. But everyone has been so kind and caring, so now I feel like I can say whatever!

Himemori chatting with her fans
She hoped to live stream an Electone performance some day
- Q: I'd like to ask you about your Electone. Could you tell us what model it is?
- It's a Yamaha ELC-02. Electones are pretty heavy and hard to move around, but this one can be disassembled and carried. I chose it specifically because I wanted something that would be easy to move around as I sometimes I need to change the layout of my room for streaming.
- Q: So you picked your Electone based on how you were going to use it for streaming?
- That's right. I actually originally played the keyboard during live streams and I mentioned one day in passing that I can also play the Electone. Some of my viewers said that they wanted to hear me play that as well. I was even thinking myself that I'd like to debut the Electone on a stream some day.
- Q: How did you get started playing the Electone?
- We had a keyboard at home and so I started off by playing that. At some point I started learning the Electone as well. I don't even remember why I started with the Electone when I was already playing the keyboard. Maybe I just personally preferred it, or maybe my mom encouraged me.
- Q: I suppose it's a common theme among musicians in that they can't remember whether they started because they liked music or because their parents made them. Is there anything specific about the Electone that you particularly like?
- I mean, this is common knowledge for me now, but a lot of people who don't know about the Electone are shocked when they realize it can make so many different sounds. Some people even ask if I'm playing the soundtrack during my performance live streams! I love that the Electone allows me to produce something that sounds like a band or an orchestra all by myself.
- Q: You play a lot of Ghibli music during your streams, right?
- That's right. I like Ghibli, and I also like to play songs that people are familiar with and enjoy. Even back in my keyboarding days I often used to play "A Town with an Ocean View" from "Kiki's Delivery Service" as my finishing song.

October 10, 2021 Performance: Himemori Luna playing "A Town with an Ocean View"
(by Joe
Hisaishi) (
【姫森ルーナ生誕祭】沢山お祝いしてほしいのら!Luna's Birthday Live【ホロライブ】
Figuring out live stream performances
- Q: You said you started out with the keyboard, but what actually made you decide to start streaming instrumental performances?
- There are a few other Hololive members who also stream instrumental performances and I thought to myself, "That's a good idea, I've got an instrument that I can play, so I might give it a go myself."
- Q: What was your set up like when you first started streaming?
- At first I had no idea how to live stream a performance so I just had a regular microphone set up but
the sound quality wasn't very good. I did some research on my own and I also asked Mr Admin* if he
help me. I had so much trouble with the equipment and I felt so out of my depth! There's a lot of
information out there on the internet which I've had to refer to.
*Himemori Luna's Agency Administrator - Q: What about now, are there still some things you need to work out?
- Depending on where it's placed, sometimes my vocal mic will pick up the sound of my keystrokes instead of just my voice. I can't tell when it's happening at the time, but my viewers will hear a banging sound on their end so I'm forever fine-tuning my microphone placement. I keep an eye on the comments, which is how my viewers let me know that something's wrong, but it's something I'm still working on.
- Q: It sounds like communication with your viewers really helps to improve the quality of your streams.
- Hehe, I think you're right. It really feels like we're creating the stream together. Sometimes I'll find something to fix after the fact when I'm checking through my archives, but when people tell me in the comments about the keystrokes or other noise interference I can fix it on the spot.
- Q: Around July 2021 there was a marked improvement in the sound quality of your Electone streams after you received some advice from Kanzaki Hiro. Can you tell us what he said?
- I think Papa Hiro* had been watching some of my streams and he gave me some really specific advice. He
told me, "If you connect the audio interface to this jack here, you'll get a better feed." I
quite understand what he was talking about at first. I was like, "What do you mean?" So he started
teaching me. He was so thorough, he sent me an image of the Electone saying explaining exactly where I
needed to connect the cable.
*Kanzaki Hiro, illustrator and Himemori Luna's character designer - Q: Compared to gaming or simply chatting with your fans, is there anything you feel that is unique to streaming the Electone?
- I think a lot of people come to listen to the Electone when they're looking to feel better or they
help falling asleep. It's a more relaxed environment than gaming... and I think it's also
appreciated lol! They'll say, "Thank you so much for playing!"
I think there are also people who see it as coming to watch their daughter's recital. Some people have left comments saying things like, "Oh, my sister used to practice on the piano like this when we were kids," so I think they're kind of reminiscing about the past.

Luna practicing for her Electone live stream performance
【 エレクトーン 】T-SQUARE「TRUTH F1ソングの練習するのら~ Playing the Electone
- Q: I guess that's the great thing about streaming: you get to experience and enjoy the actual process of practicing something together with your viewers.
- Sometimes I feel like I should only perform songs which I've practiced well and mastered. When I'm still practicing a piece I'm often muttering things to myself, "This finger goes here... This foot goes there..." lol. But a lot of my viewers said that they wanted to watch me practice as well.
- Sometimes people will leave comments on my other streams saying they want to hear me play the Electone again and like, I'm kind of conflicted lol. I'm like, "No! I can't play something new just yet because I haven't practiced!"
- Q: What's your biggest motivator when playing the Electone?
- I think the biggest motivator is knowing that someone out there is listening to me. It's nice to practice on your own, but I really like having someone listen and be able to respond to me as well. When they cheer me on saying things like, "I want to hear more!" I'm like, "Oh! Okay, let's do it!"
- Q: Do you have any Electone players you look up to?
- There's no-one I particularly look up to, but there is this one amazing video by someone named maru who plays "Clash on the Big Bridge" (by Nobuo Uematsu) on the Electone. The music itself is quite difficult but the performance is mind-blowing! I'm like, "What is going on with the feet?!"
- Q: We're having a promotion where anyone who comes into the Yamaha store for an Electone will receive a free original Himemori Luna clear file folder. Is there anything you'd like to say in closing to the readers of this interview?
- I think most people have never seen an Electone in real life before, including those who watch my streams. I hope you can take this chance to go out and actually see what a real Electone looks like so you know what it is I'm actually playing!
Reporting and Writing: Yuuka Higaki
Images: Mai Otake
